

The department of Physiology caters to the curricular requirements of MBBS, BSc nursing, Post-basic nursing, MHA and CMAI courses, all of which are affiliated to KUHS university.
The department conducts regular, timely assessments on daily, weekly and monthly basis, seminars and tutorials in addition to three sessional examinations. The average mark secured by the students in these examinations is reckoned as the Internal Assessment mark towards eligibility to write the University Examinations.
The pass percentage in Physiology is above 90% since the inception of this college in 2002 with several distinctions & first classes. Besides the academic activities and responsibilities within the department and related to the university, faculty members are also involved in research activities, short term studentship (STS) programs conducted by the ICMR, activities under the Medical Education Unit (MEU), activities under the Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC), activities under the National Service Scheme (NSS), activities under Energy Conservation (ENCON) and also institutional Literary Club activities.
Research work related to physiology & bioinformatics is ongoing & 3 papers were published in indexed journals in past 5 years.

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