
Medical Microbiology is a rapidly advancing discipline that deals with the prevention,  diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. The role of a medical microbiologist is to study the characteristic of pathogens,  their mode of transmission,  mechanism of infection and growth,  to help in identification of pathogens and suggesting treatment options. They may also assist in preventing or controlling outbreaks of disease.

The subject Microbiology is part of the 2nd year subjects spanning over a period of 1½years (3rd, 4th, & 5th semesters). The department plays a major role in teaching undergraduate medical students through lectures,  discussions and seminars and updates them on the recent developments in microbiology. Other courses include B.Sc/Post-basic BSc Nursing and Allied health sciences. The students attain knowledge in all aspects of microbiology including Clinical Microbiology. Till date,  the overall academic performance of the medical students in microbiology has been well acclaimed.



The Microbiology laboratory came into existence with the inception of the institution in 1987, under the eminent leadership of Dr. Grace Koshy. The Leptospirosis laboratory was setup in 1989,  following which,  Leptospira from human cases,  was first isolated in Kerala.

The department in the college was setup both as a clinical and teaching laboratory in 2002 with Dr. G. Radhakutty Amma (Ret. Prof & HOD Microbiology,  Govt. Medical College,Alleppey) as the Professor and Head of the department. She was assisted by Dr. Ambika Devi, Dr. SheelaSugathan,  and other staff members to bring it to its present status.


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