Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation department (PMR) or Physiatry in MOSC Medical College Hospital is an interdisciplinary team consisting of Physiatrist doctors working closely with Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Rehabilitation nurses, Speech therapists, Orthotists  and Prosthetists for optimizing functioning and reduce disability/ physical impairment in individuals with health conditions in interaction with their environment.
Physiatrists seek inter departmental consultations and take over patients to PMR department once the acute medical condition or surgical period is over. After detailed assessment, rehabilitation goals are set by physiatrist and an integrated care plan is made in consultation with family. These are carried out by the rehabilitation team along with timely evaluation and follow up. In addition, PMR outpatient department, MOSC Medical College Hospital treat patients with muscle and joint injuries, pain syndromes, non healing wounds and other disabling conditions.

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