Training Programme for MBBS students:
The training in Community Medicine starts from the 1st year of MBBS curriculum. The practical lab for learning Community Medicine is the Community. To know more about the community the department organizes Community Living Programme for the first year students for a period of one week after 4 days of theoretical sessions.
The aim of this programme is to develop among medical students
- General awareness about the status and dynamics of health and socio economic conditions about the community in which they live.
- Ability to live together with people from different background, adjust among themselves and share work and thus learn team spirit.
- Skill to communicate with people of different social and cultural background.
- Skills for basic data collection and simple analysis.
- Clinical orientation through vertical integration by means of discussion of common clinical problems, which they come across during house visits.
The programme is organized in the field area of Community Medicine department. All the students and faculty of the department live together in the community. The students are divided into batches. Each batch visits 10 houses in the identified geographic area. During their house visits, they collect demographic and other information using a structured survey questionnaire. They present the report of their study in the final day. On each camp day, afternoon sessions are meant for clinical study. Specialists from our hospitals lead the clinical camps and clinical discussions. Community integration programme is organized at the campsite in co-operation with the community. Students and community members take part in the cultural meet.
As part of the 4th and 5th Semester teaching programme in Community Medicine, the MBBS students visit institutions of public health importance like MILMA, Sewage Treatment Plant, Meat Products of India, Water Treatment Plant, Old age home, Juvenile Observation Home, Blind School, Deaf School, Factory, Anganwadi under ICDS project etc. They also conduct survey cum service programme in the health center area. The students conduct general morbidity survey in the health center area. Based on the morbidity pattern they assess, plan, organize and conduct medical camps and health education classes under the guidance of faculty members. Students themselves raise the resources for the programme. As part of the research work, they prepare the protocol for their Research Project.
The 7th Semester MBBS students as part of clinical posting in Community Medicine visit institutions of public health importance like Port Health Organization, District TB Hospital, Malaria and Filaria Control units, VCTC, Leprosy Hospital, Gramapanchayat, Block Panchayat, Municipality etc. They also conduct Health Education classes in the Health center area under the guidance of faculty. The students complete their research project work in the 7th Semester.
The 7th Semester students as part of their curriculum conduct School Health camps and health awareness classes at schools in RURAL and TRIBAL AREAS